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TMQL String Functions

Here is the list of the string manipulation functions which can be used in where clause or within file selection list:

Length - contains length of the field (i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.Length = 3)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.ToLower() from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

EndsWith(<param>) - Determines whether the end of the field matches the specified string
(<param> - string imbedded in double quotes (.i.e. If Name = “Jim Smith” Name.EndsWith(“Smith”) will have logical true as result.

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.EndsWith("Smith")
select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.EndsWith("Smith") == true

Will have the same result.

StartsWith(<param>) - Determines whether the beginning of the field matches the specified string. (<param> - string imbedded in double quotes - .i.e. If Name = “Joe Smith” than Name.StartsWith(“Joe”) will have logical true as result.)

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.StartsWith("John")
select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.StartsWith("John") == true

Contains(<param>) Determines whether the beginning of the field matches the specified string.
(<param> - string imbedded in double quotes - .i.e. If Name = “Joe Smith” than Name.Contains(“mit”) will have logical true as result.)

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.Contains("1")
select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.Contains("1") == true

  IndexOf (<param>) Reports the index of the first occurrence of a string, or one or more characters, within the field. (<param> - string imbedded in double quotes - .i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.IndexOf(“e”) will have 2 as result)

Try on Sample Data:

Select Phone from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Phone.IndexOf("2") == 4

LastIndexOf(<param>) Reports the index position of the last occurrence of a specified Unicode character or string within the field.
(<param> - string imbedded in double quotes - .i.e. If Name = “Jim Smith” than Name.LastIndexOf( “i”) result is 6)

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where AddressLine.LastIndexOf("l") == 22

PadLeft(<param>) Right-aligns the characters in this instance, padding on the left with spaces or a specified Unicode character for a specified total length.
(<param>- total field length (SPACE will be sued for padding) i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.PadLeft(5) result will be Name = “ Joe”


Total field length and character to be used for padding -i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.PadLeft(5,Convert.ToChar(“.”)) result will be Name = “..Joe”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.PadLeft(20) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc


select Name.PadLeft(20,Convert.ToChar(".")) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

PadRight(<param>) Left-aligns the characters in this string, padding on the right with spaces or a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.
(<param>- total field length (SPACE will be sued for padding) i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.PadRight(5) result will be Name = “Joe ”


Total field length and character to be used for padding -i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.PadRight(5,Convert.ToChar(“.”)) result will be Name = “Joe ”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.PadRight(20) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc


select Name.PadRight(20,Convert.ToChar(".")) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

Insert(<param>) Inserts a specified instance of string at a specified index position within the field.
(<param> - index position, string - i.e. If Name = “Joe” than Name.Insert(2,”ann”) will have as result Name = “Joanne”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Country.Insert(1,".") from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Country.EndsWith("USA")

Remove(<param>) Deletes a specified number of characters from this instance beginning at a specified position.
(<param> - index position, string - i.e. If Name = “Joanne” than Name.Remove(2,3) will have as result Name = “Joe”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.Remove(4,1) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.StartsWith("John1") || Name.StartsWith("John2")

Replace(<param>) Replaces all occurrences of a specified Unicode character or string in this instance, with another specified Unicode character or string.

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.Replace("1"," Jr.") from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Name.StartsWith("John1")

Substring(<param>) Retrieves a substring from the field.
<param> - <starting_position>, <number_of_characters>


(i.e. If Name = “John Smith Name.Substring(0,4) will have “John” as result and Name.Substring(4) will have “Smith” as result)

Try on Sample Data:

select Phone.Substring(0,3) as AreaCode,Phone.Substring(3) as Exchange from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

ToLower() Converts text in lowercase.
(i.e. If Name = “Joe” Name.ToLower() result is Name = “joe”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.ToLower() from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

ToUpper() Converts text in uppercase.
(i.e. If Name = “Joe” Name.ToUpper() result is Name = “JOE”)

Try on Sample Data:

select Name.ToUpper() from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

Trim() Removes all occurrences of a set of specified characters from the beginning and end of the field.

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where City.Trim() == ""

TrimEnd() Removes all occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the end of the field.

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where PostalCode.Trim() == ""

TrimStart() Removes all occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the beginning of the field.

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where PostalCode.TrimStart() == ""

Regex.IsMatch(<FieldName>,<RegularExpression>) Indicates whether the regular expression (<RegularExpession>) specified finds a match in the specified field (<FieldName>).

Try on Sample Data:

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where Regex.IsMatch(Email, @"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$")

In this example only lines with correctly formatted e-mail (Field Name = Email) will be displayed.



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