TextMaster Application Features: |
Size Check |
Check line length |
Process fixed and delimited text files |
Display First, Mid and Last line length |
Display number of lines per record |
Display file length and relevant dates |
Estimate completion time |
Text Export |
Export sequentially |
Export Random number of lines |
Export Random percentage of lines |
Only lines of specified length |
Only lines different than specified length |
Append or overwrite a specified file |
Logging |
File processed with all info associated to the file |
Save crucial info about file's processed: date, time, size... |
Provide manual entries / adjustments |
Unlimited number of logs |
Unlimited number of log entries |
Profiling |
Save crucial info about file for future comparison |
Provide manual entries / adjustments |
Unlimited number of profiles |
Unlimited number of profile entries, per profile |
Check file processed against all entries in a selected profile |
SQL Select |
Quick Start
Select all or only specified fields |
Skip a selected number of lines |
Filter lines based on field values |
Select fields composed out of other fields |
Rich set of text manipulation functions such as: Trim, ToUpper, ToLower, etc. |
Supports aggregates (count, min, max and sum) |
SQL Update |
Update any or all fields |
Skip a selected number of lines |
Filter lines based on field values |
Set the field value to the combination of any other fields value/s |
Rich set of text manipulation functions such as: Trim, ToUpper, ToLower, etc.
SQL Insert |
Insert a line into a table by specifying field values (single line entry) |
Utilizing a 'select statement' determine structure, number of lines and criteria to
copy from one file into another one |
SQL Delete |
Delete all or a specified number of lines |
Preserve and/or delete a selected number of lines |
Delete lines based on specific field values |
Remove duplicated lines from the file - TMDeDup |
Specify one or more fields as criteria |
Specify part(s) of the field(s) as criteria |
Limit de duplication to the portion of the file |
Change file structure - TMKeep |
Add field |
Remove fields |
Concatenate fields |
Create new field from field(s) or part of the field(s) |
Change field order |
Filter rows based on field(s) or part of the field(s) value |
Split file into several files based on field(s) values -
Horizontal Split (TMHSplit) |
Single field can be used as splitting criteria |
Multiple fields can be used as splitting criteria |
Combination of field(s) and field(s) segments can be used as splitting criteria |
Join several lines into single line - Vertical Join (TMVJoin) |
Convert entire file into single line |
Convert groups of lines into several line (one line per group) |
Group indicator (marker) can be at the beginning or at the end of the group |
Group indicator (marker) can be at the beginning, end or part of the line |
Execute queries in sequence - Query Batch |
Edit batch (open, save, history list …) |
Find / replace parameters |
Execution details |
Error report |
Execution statistics summary |
Execute batch |
Conditional custom error(s) supported |
Conditional summary report supported |
Constants (string, int, long, decimal, char and DateTime) can be declared and
used |
Variables (string, int, long, decimal, char and DateTime) can be declared and
used |