Last update on: March 2nd, 2009


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What's New in TextMaster Data Editor v.2.5

(Your current version of TextMaster Data Editor can be found: Help >> About and last update date Help >> User's Guide front page "Last Update:")

The following is the list of the bug fixes in 2.5 release March 2nd service release, 2009:

“TextMaster Query” screen –“Query” text box, after resize didn’t have a proper size.  It was exceeding visible area and editing of the long queries was difficult.

“TextMaster Query” screen – query expansion screen was reporting an error if connection template was embedded into command even thou query was correct.

“Associations”   screen – “Save” button was reporting an error (“Extension must be 3 characters long ….”) for global associations in some cases when extension was correct and was preventing modifications of global and directory associations.

The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs) in 2.5 release
as of February 18th, 2009:

Aggregates  - SELECT statement can have count (count all records which meet where clause condition(s) (if any), min , max and sum aggregate functions as parameters.

Global Variables added for batch processing - string, int, long, decimal, char and DateTime can be declared, assigned and used in TMQL statments (command parameters and "where" clause). variable definitions support aggregates (count, min, max and sum) as well.

TimeDifference function which retrieves years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds elapsed between two DateTime variables as integer added.

Error - TMQL command which terminates batch with an error added. All changes to that point will be reversed if "Transactional" global parameter is set. This command is particulary useful for Query Batch data validations.

Report - TMQL command which will add line to the "Report" section of the "Query Batch" is available. This command can provide "warnings" as a part of the batch processing validation process or summary report of the processing results.

More details about any of the features can be found in User's Guide (from Windows Start >> TextMaster >> Data Editor User's Guide or from TextMaster Data Editor Help >> User's Guide)

The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs) in 2.5 release
as of January 11th, 2009:

Editing - After file check number of lines displayed can be changed, displayed lines can be edited and save in another file, edited values can be undone or redone and parts of the lines can be marked with different colours. TextMaster Query functionality is significantly improved by adding snippets for accelerated data entries.

Encoding - File encoding can be selected for the file checked or exported, all TMQL (Select, Update, TMDeDup …) will use specified file encoding. Encoding is added to the connection setup wizard. Split and Join utilities have encoding added as additional parameters.

Vertical Join - TMVJoin command converts all lines or set of lines (segments) from text file into single line or multiple lines where every line becomes field in destination file. Fields in destination file are delimited using specified delimiter. If segments from the source file are converted into lines in destination file then marker (segment indicator) can be at the beginning or at the end of the segment.

Query Batch – one or more queries can be saved in a text file with “.tmb” extension. When executed queries are executed in sequential order and if any of the queries fails all changes to the files are rolled back. Backup and restore functionality can be disabled if it’s not required. TMFile, Windows Explorer type of file processing capabilities, is added to enhance TMQL capabilities and add flexibility to the Query Batch functionality.

Associations - connection templates are stored in repository. By storing templates (global file descriptions) into repository associations between file extension and file can be defined globally (every file in any directory will have automatically associated with file description) and / or files with specified extension can be associated with a template for single directory (including subdirectories). This feature eliminates a need for defining connection for every file.
Furthermore,  by using Windows file extension association any file extension can be associated with template and by double clicking file in Windows File Explorer  TextMaster will be opened and checked. Query screen will open as well and all lines will be displayed.

In addition to this, there are five system templates, which do not appear in template repository but can be referenced in queries:

  • _Template_1_FIX
  • _Template_1_TAB
  • _Template_1_Comma
  • _Template_1_SemiColumn
  • _Template_1_Pipe
Line content in “where” clauses can be referenced as FIELD_0 or Line.

Pseudo system templates (templates which are created on the fly) can be used as well. There are four delimited types available:
  •  TAB
  • Comma
  • SemiColumn
  • Pipe

For example,
select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv(_Template_11_COMMA)
will create connection (comma delimited with 11 fields) on the fly and will ignore connection “C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc” (if exists).
NOTE: Field can be referred as FIELD0, FIELD1  … FIELD10.

System templates and repository templates can be referenced in a query along with the file name (late biding) and on that way necessity for connection to be created before file is used. Connection must be created only if file encoding must be specified (not default) and fields must be named. It comes particularly in handy when queries are used and file name is created on the fly (see more details in the User's Guide under 'Query Batch' section).

Global Settings – are added to improve flexibly of the TextMaster Data Editor and to allow users to customize TextMaster Data Editor to better meet specific needs (be default data editor, data reader for specific file types …)

The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs) in 2.2 release
as of March 19th, 2008:
  • Split File utility added– will split file into specified number of files or into calculated number of files based on number of lines in the component files
  • Join File Utility - will join all component files into the original file. After any component is selected, the result file name, as well as the destination folder, will be populated with original file name and folder path of the components respectively.
  • TMKeep bug fix – query

    tmkeep "<tr>"+Name+"</tr>" as Name,"<tr>"+Phone+"</tr>" as Phone from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    was keeping proper number of columns (Name and Phone) but content of the fields was "<tr>Name</tr>" and "<tr>Phone</tr>" respectively. Fields in between two literals were treated as literals and not as a fields.


The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs) in the  February 19th, 2008 release:
  • TMDeDup statement added – which removes duplicated lines from the file using one or more fields as criteria. String functions can be used to upper or lower case fields, limit criteria only to the part of the field, trim field etc. “Where” clause can be used to eliminate lines from the file and “top” and “offset” feature can be used on the same way.


    - Query TMDeDup Province from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    Produces the following result

    (click on the image to enlarge)

    File before de duplication was like this

    (click on the image to enlarge)

    - Query TMDeDup City,Country from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have four records (two for Canada and two for USA).

    - Query TMDeDup Phone.Substring(0,3) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have only two records because first three digits of every Phone are “905” or “734”

  • TMHSplit statement added – which splits file into several files using one or more fields as criteria. String functions can be used to upper or lower case fields, limit criteria only to the part of the field, trim field etc. “Where” clause can be used to eliminate lines from any of component files and “top” and “offset” feature can be used on the same way. If source file has header as the first line every component file will have the same header.
    Component files have the same name as source file extended with “_” and <field_value>[“_”+<field_value>….]. extension of the component files is the same as extension of the original file.


    - Query TMHSplit Province from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    Will divide content of the file c:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv into


    - Query TMHSplit City,Country from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc
    Will divide content of the file c:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv into


    - Query TMHSplit Phone.Substring(0,3) from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    Will divide content of the file c:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv into


  • TMKeep statement added – which removes columns by specifying individual field(s) and / or segments of the field(s) to remain in the file. Fields can be renamed, new fields added as constants and/or combination of the existing fields. For fix file type field length of one or more fields can be changed with TMKeep command. New description (connection) is created automatically. Order of the columns can be changed with single command. By using “where” clause rows with specific values can be excluded at the same time. “Top” and “Offset” options can be used to limit number of rows in the modified fields to the selected segment of the file.


    1 - Query TMKeep Name,Phone,Email from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have only three columns Name, Phone and Email.

    2 - Query TMKEEP Date,Amount,Company,Email,Country,PostalCode,Province,City,AddressLine,Phone,Name
    FROM C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have columns in reverse order.

    NOTE: For text file with fix type all fields will be properly mapped. To check it, execute

    3 - Query TMKEEP Date,Amount,Company,EMail,Country,Postal,Province,City,AddressLine,Phone,Name FROM C:\TMSampleData\SampleDataFix.tmc

    and open connection C:\TMSampleData\SampleDataFix.tmc

    4 - Query TMKeep Name,Phone.Substring(0,3) as AreaCode,Phone.Substring(3) as Exchange,
    Email from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have four columns and phone number will be divided into two fields (AreaCode and Exchange).

    5 - Query  TMKEEP top(5) offset(2) Name,Phone,Company from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result, C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc will have only three columns Name,Phone and Company and five rows (including header).

    6 - Query TMKEEP Name,AddressLine as AddressLine1,City.Trim()+","+PostalCode.Trim()+","+Country.Trim() as AddressLine2
    from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc

    As result, file C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.csv will have three columns (Name, AddressLine1 and AddressLine2). AddressLine2 is concatenated from City, PostalCode and Country.

  • For quick start, wizards for newly added statements are available. Wizards for all TMQL statements can be found under TextMaster >> TextMaster Query >> Query Builder.


The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs)TextMaster v2.0.2954 as of February 2, 2008:
  • Problem: For delimited files delimiters outside of the 0 – 127 (decimal) range
    (i.e. if delimiter was character “¤”) were not saved properly.
    Solution: Connection encoding was changed from UTF-8 to UTF-16. User interface is not affected.
  • Problem:  If SPACE (48 – decimal) was used as delimiter, field parsing was not working properly
    and delimiter presentation was not user friendly.
    Solution: New option for delimiters (“Space”) was added to the connection wizard screen and
    code is changed to accommodate “Space” as any other delimiter.
  • Problem: If font size for the desktop was large than connection wizard would not show all fields.
    Solution: Connection wizard screen was made resizable.
  • Problem: If rows were ending with double quotes file check was reporting error message and was shutting down TextMaster.
    Solution:  Problem is fixed.


The following is the list of the major changes (fixed bugs) of TextMaster v2.0.2937 as of January 16, 2008:
  1. Skip Invalid Record
  2. Field name(s) suppression
  3. Skip first line
  4. Automated naming
  5. Load test data
  6. Save query results
  7. Auto File type
  8. File name with multiple dots
  9. No special treatment for quotes
  10. Optimize performance
  11. Save current view
  12. Recently executed queries


Skip Invalid Record


Process lines with the number of fields for delimited files, or the line length for fix length files, different than defined in the connection (file description).


Prior to this change, lines with invalid length were skipped and reported as invalid. The new check box “Skip Invalid Line(s)” determines if invalid lines should be processed or not.
Default value is unchecked (do not skip invalid lines).

After the new version of TextMaster is installed, all existing connections will have this behavior. To restore the original behavior open connection, check “Skip Invalid Line(s)” check box and save connection.


Field name(s) suppression


Upon various circumstances, queries will report an error because field names contained spaces and/or special characters (@,!,&,? …). Spaces and special characters should be removed from the field names.


During connection save process, every field is checked for spaces and special characters ((, ), +, -, /, *, [ , ], {, }, \, =, &, ;, |, !, >,<,.,",',@,#,$,%,^,_,~,: as well as commas (,)). If any are found, a warning will pop up


The cancel button will terminate the save operation and no fields will be changed.


Skip first line


If the connection has "Skip First Line (Names)" checked, select statements should skip the first line automatically and eliminate need for the Offset(2) clause, in the select statement, to enforce it.


For connections with “Skip First Line (Names)” checked, if offset clause does not exist or the value is less than 2 , then the offset value will be set to 2 automatically and the first (header) line will be skipped.


Automated naming


Connection field names are automatically generated as FIELD0,FIELD1 … when header does not exist. Queries with a “where” clause were reporting an error if field names had “FIELD” as a part of it.


In the previous release, by using @@FIELDxx (xx - is a zero based field index) instead of a field name in the “where” clause, field could have been referenced. Instead of using “@@FIELD” as prefix, in this new release , “FIELD_” can be used as a prefix. For example, instead of using field name “Name” , which is the first field in “SampleData.tmc” connection, in the query,

select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where FIELD_0.Contains("J")

“FIELD_0” can be used.


Load test data

Requirement (bug fix):

If “C:\TMSampleData\” had other files besides the sample data supplied as part of the TextMaster release, then reloading of the sample data couldn’t complete.



Save query results

Requirement :

After “select” query execution “Save>>Query Results” should save only fields listed in the query, using the names used in the query (including those modified with the “as” statement).


Before the change, “Save>>Query Results” was creating new connections with all fields from the connection used in the query and inserting only lines which would conform to the “where” clause requirements. New implementation, inserts only listed fields under the same or modified name (modified with “as” clause) . For fixed fields, length is transferred from the connection in the query. If the field does not exist, for fix fields, a prompt will pop up providing the option of supplying the length of the field. “Start” and “End” values for every field are recalculated automatically.
For example, query

select Name,Phone.Substring(0,3) as AreaCode,Phone.Substring(3) as Exchange,AddressLine from C:\TMSampleData\SampleData.tmc where FIELD_0.Contains("J") has the following result:

“Save >> Query Result” will create the following connection automatically


select * from C:\TMSampleData\SampleDataSaveQueryResult.tmc

will produce the following result:


Auto file type

Requirement (bug fix):

Analyze up to 10000 lines and find the max percentage of those which have the same length in characters, or the same number of fields using comma, semicolumn, pipe or TAB as delimiters. If any group meets the minimum requirement (75%) use the one with max percentage as the file type indicator.


Before this fix as soon as the first group met minimum requirements, the process would have stopped.


File name with multiple dots

Requirement (bug fix):

If file has multiple dots in the name, for creation of the “.tmc” equivalent use last dot and replace rest of the name (presumable extension) with “tmc”.


No special treatment for quotes


For delimited files, the option to treat quotes as any other character is required.


New drop down option (“Disregard”) is added to the description of the delimited files.
Option “None” and “Disrigard” have a lot of similarities. Both do not expect every field to be enclosed in quotes (single or double). Unlike the “Disrigard” option, “None” will look for part of the line which starts with the delimiter immediately followed by double quote and everything to the next double quote and delimiter (or end of the file) would be considered as one field. MS Excel is using the same approach to allow commas to be part of the data field (in “.csv” file) and not delimiter.


Optimize performance


Accelerate file check, export and query performance.


Code optimization increased performance in targeted segments. In addition there are two new fields available as result of the select statement

(click on the image to enlarge)

@@SeqID – line number in the current view
@@RowID – line number in the file


In the example above, @@RowID starts with 2 because the file has a header and it’s not part of the current view (is skipped).



  Save current view


Displayed results can be edited and sorted. Saving changed values in selected order is required.


New function “Save >> Current View” and “Save>>Append Current View” have been added.

A new connection is created, on the fly, using the connection specified in the query.
For delimited files, fields named as view headers would be automatically created.
For fixed fields, field names same as view header titles are created and if they exist in the connection which was used in “select” statement length is transferred as well. If field does not exist, a prompt will pop up providing the option of supplying the length of the field. “Start” and “End” values for every field are recalculated automatically.
“Save>>Current View” will overwrite file to which selected connection is pointing to, if exists, and “Save>>Append Current View” will append data, if file exists.


Recently executed queries


Provide a way for quick retrieval of the recently executed queries.


List of the last 10 executed queries can be found under the File menu.

(click on the image to enlarge)


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